Letters of Love is an attractive, engaging, and exciting workshop in which you will take an active part in the tefillin creation process.
Contact us
Leave us your details and a representative on our behalf will contact you in your language to coordinate the tefillin kit that suits you and set a date for the preparation workshop, face to face or via zoom meeting.
The preparation workshop
The whole family is invited to an hour of a fascinating workshop, where we will enter the Parshiyot and sew the Tefillin.
A creative activity for the whole family
b. The Tefillin are ready! Next to the Tefillin you will receive a Tefillin preparation kit for each child at home and enjoy a special family and quality time.
Let's create your tefillin together
Contact us for a special offer
הודעתך נשלחה בהצלחה!
נציג מטעמינו יצור איתכם קשר בהקדם. יש למה לחכות :)